
The PDSSSC gives all students the access to their level of competition for swimming.

Every school has its own swimming carnival as an annual event. These cater for the serious swimmers as well as novelty and fun events to encourage participation by all students. These events are great to foster school spirit and a chance for the school community to come together as one.

Swimming Overview

PDSSSC Swimming Selection Trials - Friday 7th March, 2025.

Schools select swimmers from their own carnival or swimmers who are competitive in time to compete at the PDSSSC swimming Carnival / selection trial which is held in March each year at SOPAC, Homebush. In 2025, the PDSSSC Swimming Championships will be held on Friday 7th March.

There are events in 50m in the 4 strokes as well as 100m Freestyle for all ages.

Please note - In 2025, the 12/13 age group is one age group. (This means there will no longer be 12 years and 13 years events, it will be a combined 12/13 age group for progression along the pathway)

The 200m Individual Medley, 200m Freestyle and 400m freestyle will be swum as Open events at PDSSSC, but judged and progressed to NSWCCC as Junior (12-14), Intermediate (15-16) and Senior (17+).

The 100m Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly will be swum as Open events at PDSSSC, but judged and progressed to NSWCCC as 12/13, 14, 15, 16 and 17+. This is a change for pathway swimming from 2024.

There are relays for schools in 4x50m free, 4x50m medley and 6x50m freestyle (which must includes a swimmer from each age 12 - 17+ from the school).

Please note - Ages for school swimming are based on the year you were born. Age is the age you are on 31st December in the year of the competition.

In 2025, if you are born in 2013 - you are Under 12, born in 2012 - you are Under 13 - (12s and 13s swim as acombined 12/13 years group from 2025.), born in 2011 - Under 14, etc.

Swimmers who wish to submit a time to be considered for selection in the NSWCCC Swimming Team for the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships for the 200m Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, 400m Individual Medley, 800m and 1500m Freestyle must submit the attached form and submit it no later than Tuesday April 29th, 2025.

MutiClass Swimmers who wish to be considered for selection in the NSWCCC Swimming Team for the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships for the 100m Backstroke must submit the attached form and submit it no later than Tuesday April 29th, 2025.

Please note - 50m Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Freestyle as well as the 100m Freestyle are all swum at the NSWCCC Championships and will be swum at the PDSSSC Swimming Championships.

In 2025, the PDSSSC Swimming Championships will be held at SOPAC, Homebush on Friday, 7th March.


I receive a lot of requests to enter additional swimmers into events after the draft program has been posted. No more swimmers will be added. This event is a NSWCCC selection event, not a Swimming NSW or Age Nationals qualifying meet. Apologies, but the answer will be consistent.

Draft Timeline PDSSSC Swimming 2025

Remember, this is a guide only and the times of events could change on the day. The order of events will not change.


NSWCCC Swimming - Wednesday 2nd March / Thursday 3rd April, 2025. (Event details to be confirmed)

The winners from the Diocesan (PDSSSC) trials then go on to represent the Parramatta Diocese at the NSWCCC Carnival which will be held on Wednesday 2nd / Thursday 3rd April, 2025 at SOPAC, Homebush.

Please check the attached results - if you finished 1st in any event, including relays, or 2nd in the 50m Freestyle or first in your division (12-14 years, 15-16 years or 17-18 years in 100m Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly and 200 freestyle, 400m freestyle or 200m IM, then follow the registration instructions below:-  


CCC Swimming Registration Instructions

There are events in 50m in the 4 strokes as well as 100m Freestyle for all ages. (12s and 13s swim as acombined 12/13 years group from 2025.)

The 200m Individual Medley, 200m Freestyle and 400m freestyle will be swum as Junior (12-14), Intermediate (15-16) and Senior (17+) at NSWCCC.

The 100m Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly will be swum at NSWCCC as 12/13, 14, 15, 16 and 17+. This is a change for pathway swimming from 2024.

There are relays for schools in 4x50m free, 4x50m medley and 6x50m freestyle (which must includes a swimmer from each age 12 - 17+ from the school). These are the winning school teams from the PDSSSC event.

The MultiClass events contested at the NSWCCC Championships are the 50m Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Freestyle as well as the 100m Freestyle events.

The first 3 placed swimmers and relay teams from all events at NSWCCC will progress to the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships.

(12s and 13s swim as acombined 12/13 years group from 2025.)

In 2025, the NSWCCC Swimming Championships will be held at SOPAC, Homebush on Wednesday 2nd / Thursday 3rd April, 2025 at SOPAC, Homebush.

See attached the draft timeline - this is only a guide. The format and timeline of this meet are not available yet.

Swimmers need to register on the NSWCCC Website, following the instructions handed out on the day.

This list includes all additional swims for this years NSWCCC Swimming Championships. All the best for all our swimmers attending this event.

Please report to Mr Faccin or Ms Aylett in the Grandstand at least one hour before your first event.

You will be given a swimming cap and any uniform items you have ordered when you check in with the Team Manager.


NSW All Schools Swimming - Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd May, 2025.

The first 3 placed swimmers in all events at the NSWCCC Carnival proceed through to represent NSW Combined Catholic Colleges at the NSW All Schools Carnival held on May each year at SOPAC. The 100m Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly and 200m events in these strokes as well as 400m freestyle, 200IM and 400IM are all swum in Junior, Intermediate and Senior division categories. There is also open 800m and 1500m freestyle for boys and girls swum at this level. There will also be a 100m Backstroke for MultiClass swimmers at this event. (These events - 400m IM, 200m Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly, 800m and 1500m freestyle, as well as the 100m Backstoke MultiClass competitors are chosen from times submitted - see information above)

In 2025, the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships will be held at SOPAC, Homebush on Thursday 22nd and Friday, 23rd May.

Here is the draft timeline for the event from 2024, as a guide for this year's event.

NSW All Schools Draft Swimming Timeline

From this event, a NSW State team is selected for the School Sport Australia Championships which are held later in each year. In 2024, the School Sport Australia Championships was held from 24/7 - 27/7 for 10-12 years and 27/7 - 31/7 for the 13-19 years competitors. Event details for 2025 will be available soon.

School Sport Australia Swimming

In 2025, the School Sport Australia Swimming 13 - 19 Years Championships will be held from 26th July - 31st July in Queensland, at a venue to be advised.

The 10-12 years section of this event was held from 25th July - 29th October at Ballarat, Victoria.

The NSW 13 - 19 Years Swimming team for this event is selected after the NSW All Schools Championships in May.

More details for 2025 events will be published when available. 



The following are the annual results for PDSSSC, NSWCCC and NSW All Schools Swimming Carnivals. Results for previous years can also be accessed below.

PDSSSC Swimming

NSWCCC Swimming Championships

NSW All Schools Swimming

School Sport Australia Swimming